Webinar Event: How to Ride the Maturity Model Wave
I’ll be giving a webinar next week. Below is a copy of the announcement from the itSMF Higher Education SIG.
Title: How to Ride the Maturity Model Wave
Date: March 21st, 2013
Time: 2:00 PM EST
Register online at: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/845/67579
The itSMF Higher Education SIG invites you to attend an online presentation by John Borwick, Manager at Higher Education IT Management, LLC, discussing how to build an organizational capability with practical considerations, and stay energized as the change agent.
How do you cope, and excel, when you know how your IT department needs to evolve but no one else seems to understand? The process of introducing an organization to a new way of doing things can be very frustrating and uncomfortable.
This presentation is a pragmatic complement to improvement frameworks such as the ITIL CSI model and John Kotter’s 8-step change model. This webinar focuses on what it’s like to be the person pushing for change, and how to build short-term wins, “anticipated pains,” and feedback loops to successfully “ride the maturity model wave” from one level to the next.
Speaker Biography: John Borwick has worked in higher education for over 10 years–principally at Wake Forest University from 2003 to 2012, where he was a systems administrator, team lead, assistant director for data delivery, associate director for continual service improvement, director of service management, and finally director of the portfolio management office (including service management and project management).